Our story
Ok, grab yourself a nice cup of tea and find yourself a comfy spot to settle in to. If it's cold outside and you have a log burning fire, even better! Ok let's be realistic, we're in Perth so chances are it's 30 degrees out and you're reading this whilst making your 45th extra hot soy flat white of the day behind a 'coke owned' coffee machine...am i wrong? No, i'm never wrong.
Anyway, where to begin...probably at the beginning, March 2016, it was a Wednesday.
Ok this has gone on long enough, we're not going to go all the way back, we'll save that for the Biography, but just know that before the concept for Made In Perth was conceived, the guys behind the magic had been supplying awesome food & bev products to the Perth hospo scene for about 3-4 years.
It started with cold pressed juice...Squished Juice to be precise, and it expanded into a small range of hand crafted beverage products, all made in the same facility and designed for use in cafes and restaurants. The boys racked up an impressive portfolio of some of Perths top venues and began to set their sights on more lofty aspirations.
It was during this period of time that they came into contact with other local Perth brands, trying their best to expose the world to their awesome products and provide restaurants and cafes with the opportunity to stock their wares.
Fast forward to May 2020 PCP (Post Covid Pandemic) and Made In Perth was born.